ReCODE 2.0
The official training of The Bredesen Protocol and ReCODE 2.0, a comprehensive protocol for the reversal of cognitive decline in individuals with early Alzheimer’s disease, MCI, SCI, or those at risk for cognitive decline.
Introducing The Science
State of Alzheimer's
Examples and Case Studies
FREE PREVIEWThe Current Standard of Care vs 21st Century Standard of Care
Chronic Illness
Canonical Alzheimer's Disease
How Do We Reverse Cognitive Decline in Alzheimer's
FREE PREVIEWWhat is New For ReCODE 2.0
Differential Diagnosis Part 1: Lewy Body Dementia and Parkinson's Associated Dementia
Differential Diagnosis Part 2: Vascular Dementia
Differential Diagnosis Part 3: Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy
Treatment Strategies for Cognitive Decline: Remove, Resilience, & Rebuild
Module 2 Quiz
What is a Cognoscopy
The Functions of a Cognoscopy
Introducing The Subtypes of Alzheimer's
Type 1 - Inflammatory
Type 2 - Atrophic
Type 1.5 - Glycotoxicity
Type 3 - Toxic Characteristics
Type 3 - Toxic Case Studies
Type 3 - Interventions and Principles for Type 3
Type 4 - Vascular
Type 5- Traumatic
Module 4 Quiz
The ReCODE Reports
ReCODE Target Ranges
Blood Biomarkers in Dementia
BHRT Part 1: Basic Research by Dr. Ann Hathaway
BHRT Part 2: Vascular Health by Dr. Ann Hathaway
BHRT Part 3 : Clinical Research by Dr. Ann Hathaway
BHRT Part 4: Prescribing and Common Issues by Dr. Ann Hathaway
BHRT Part 5: Breast Cancer and Hormones by Dr. Ann Hathaway
Environmental Detox and Chemotoxins Part 1: Introduction by Dr. Christopher Shade
Environmental Detox and Chemotoxins Part 2: Cellular Detoxification by Dr. Christopher Shade
Environmental Detox and Chemotoxins Part 3: Systemic Drainage by Dr. Christopher Shade
Environmental Detox and Chemotoxins Part 4: Liver Pathways & AMPK+ by Dr. Christopher Shade
Environmental Detox and Chemotoxins Part 5: NAD+ in Detoxification by Dr. Christopher Shade
Environmental Detox and Chemotoxins Part 6: Detoxification Protocols Part 1 Dr. Christopher Shade
Environmental Detox and Chemotoxins Part 7: Detoxification Protocols Part 2 Dr. Christopher Shade
Environmental Detox and Chemotoxins Part 8: Detoxification Protocols Part 3 Dr. Christopher Shade
Environmental Detox Quiz
The Impacts of Dental and Oral Health On Cognition Part 1: Introduction by Dr. Scott Saunders
The Impacts of Dental and Oral Health On Cognition Part 2: Airway and It's Impact by Dr. Scott Saunders
The Impacts of Dental and Oral Health On Cognition Part 3: Mercury Amalgams by Dr. Scott Saunders
Impacts of Oral Health on Cognition Part 1: Introduction by Dr. Charles Whitney
Impacts of Oral Health on Cognition Part 2A: The Impact of Oral Bacteria on Type 3 and 4 by Dr. Charles Whitney
Impacts of Oral Health on Cognition Part 2B: The Impact of Oral Bacteria on Arterial Inflammation by Dr. Charles Whitney
Impacts of Oral Health on Cognition Part 2C: The Science Behind Oral Bacterial Impact Type 3 Cognitive Decline by Dr. Charles Whitney
Impacts of Oral Health on Cognition Part 2D: Implementing Oral Health Protocols with ReCODE by Dr. Charles Whitney
Impacts of Oral Health on Cognition Part 3: Mercury Toxicity from Amalgam Fillings by Dr. Charles Whitney
The Impacts of Dental and Oral Health On Cognition Quiz
Genetics Part 1: Alzheimer's & Cognition Genomics ApoE by Dr. Sharon Hausman-Cohen
Genetics Part 2: Alzheimer's & Cognition Genomics Other Gene Variants by Dr. Sharon Hausman-Cohen
Genetics Part 3: Case Studies Part 1 by Dr. Sharon Hausman-Cohen
Genetics Part 4: Case Studies Part 2 by Dr. Sharon Hausman-Cohen
Genetics Part 5: Case Studies Part 3 by Dr. Sharon Hausman-Cohen
Genetics Part 6: Case Studies Part 4 and Concluding Thoughts by Dr. Sharon Hausman-Cohen
Genetics Quiz
Mold Toxicity Part 1: Introduction, Diagnosis, and Treatment by Dr. Neil Nathan
Mold Toxicity Part 2: What It Is, Symptoms, & Diagnosis by Dr. Neil Nathan
Mold Toxicity Part 3: Testing & Interpreting Results by Dr. Neil Nathan
Mold Toxicity Part 4: Treatment, Detoxification, & Interpreting Testing by Dr. Neil Nathan
Mold Toxicity Part 5: Testing Your Home & Using Binders by Dr. Neil Nathan
Mold Toxicity Part 6: Mold Toxins In Food, Antifungal Programs, Drugs, New Approaches, & Pretreatments by Dr. Neil Nathan
Mold Toxicity Part 7: Case Studies and Detoxification by Dr. Neil Nathan
Mold Toxicity Part 8: Starting Points, Troubleshooting, & The Future by Dr. Neil Nathan
Mold Toxicity Quiz
Lyme Disease Part 1: Introducing The Disease, Types, Ticks, & Making The Diagnosis by Neil Nathan
Lyme Disease Part 2: Basics, Treatment, Symptoms, Relationship to Alzheimer's, & Conclusion by Dr. Neil Nathan
Mast Cell Activation by Dr. Neil Nathan
Lyme Disease and Mast Cell Activation Quiz
Mold Inspection and Remediation Part 1: Find
Mold Inspection and Remediation Part 2: Prove
Mold Inspection and Remediation Part 3: Remove
Sleep Apnea & Hypoventilation by Ann Hathaway
Sleep Apnea & Hypoventilation Quiz
Volumetrics & MRI Part 1: An Introduction to Volumetrics by Dr. Cyrus Raji
Volumetrics & MRI Part 2: Automated Clinical Volumetrics by Dr. Cyrus Raji
Volumetrics & MRI Part 3: Clinical Case Studies by Dr. Cyrus Raji
Volumetrics & MRI Part 4: Summary by Dr. Cyrus Raji
Volumetrics & MRI Quiz
ReCODE in a Residential Care Facility Setting
Light Therapy
Resident Results
Final Thoughts of ReCODE in a Residential Care Facility Setting
ReCODE in a Residential Care Facility, Light Therapy, and Oxygen Therapy Quiz
Introduction to the B7
Section 1A: Nutrition Overview Part 1
Section 1B: Nutrition Overview Part 2
Section 1C: KetoFLEX Vegans and Vegetarians
Section 1D: Tracking macronutrient Ratios
Section 1E: How to Use Cronometer
Section 1F: Modifying KetoFLEX 12/3 for the Subtypes
Section 2: Exercise
Section 3: Sleep
Section 4: Stress
Section 5: Brain Stimulation
Section 6: Detox
Section 7: Supplements
The B7: Implementing the Protocol Quiz
Practicing ReCODE: Getting Started and the First Year of Treatment by Dr. Ann Hathaway
Practicing ReCODE: The First Year of Follow-Up by Dr. Ann Hathaway
Technology: Introducing the Apollo Platform and Signing Up
Technology: Practitioner Portal
Technology: Signing Up Participants
Technology: Town Halls, Practitioner Resources, and Guides
Technology: The Forums
Technology: Creating a ReCODE Report and How to Upload Data
Technology: Utilizing and Monitoring Assessments
Technology: The ReCODE Mobile App
Incorporating Coaching into Your Practice
Incorporating ReCODE in Your Practice Quiz
Establishing a Community
ReCODE 2.0 Summary Prioritization of Biochemical Goals with Dr. Dale Bredesen
FAQ with Dr. Dale Bredesen (Optional)
FAQ with Dr. Dale Bredesen - 2023 (Optional)
FAQ with Dr. Dale Bredesen - 2022 (Optional)
FAQ with Dr. Dale Bredesen - 2021 (Optional)
FAQ with Dr. Dale Bredesen - 2020 (Optional)
FAQ with Dr. Dale Bredesen - 2019 (Optional)
Tips for Better Outcomes: The Subtypes of Cognitive Decline Town Hall Part One and Two
Final Quiz